If you’ve ever had a bad experience at the dentist or if it is a while since you’ve been to a dentist, then you’re in for a pleasant surprise.
Rest assured no dentist wants his or her patients to have a bad experience with them. Quite simply, it’s not very good for business. So, at DBay Dental we make every effort possible to keep your treatment as pleasant and as pain free as can be. Read on to discover the new techniques, equipment, materials and attitudes that make a trip to the dentist a lot more enjoyable than ever before.
That Smell!
The first thing you’ll notice is the absence of that horrible smell you might have associated with the dentists in days gone by. That smell is ‘Oil of Cloves’ and we don’t use it at DBay Dental anymore. More modern and effective materials have largely replaced this product.
That Rattley Drill!
Some of you may remember the slow speed drill, even with the rubber band running it!. The new drills are faster and quieter than ever before so they offer a much better patient experience. Dental high-speed drills are driven by air turbines, similar to the turbines on jet airplanes. If you could make jet engines quiet then you could make a dental drill quiet!
Will it hurt?
Probably not. These days there are a number of products and techniques we use to ensure that you will feel little or no pain. Firstly the dentist will introduce himself or herself to you and will listen to what has brought you in to the dental practice today. They will explain what they will be doing and why they will be doing it, so you’ll know what’s going on at all times.
Not all treatment requires an anaesthetic, but if it does the dentist will apply topical anaesthetic (“numbing gel/paste”) to your gum before giving you an injection so it is unlikely you will feel the needle. The dentist will then wait a minute or two for that to work (and will probably engage you in some small talk, maybe even tell a corny joke or two!) before administering the injection. Relax, gone are the days of oversized needles! These days dental needles are very thin and the dentist will administer the injection slowly to minimise any discomfort. The dentist will then check that the anaesthetic has worked before commencing any treatment. If you need or want more anaesthetic we are happy to provide it; We also have a range of sedation options that can be discussed with your dentist..
Our philosophy at DBay Dental is to solve your dental issues in a painless manner while ensuring you remain as comfortable and relaxed as possible throughout the process.